Highly Effective Strategies for Launching Reading Workshop

reading workshop kick off upper elementary

There is nothing more exciting than the first few days of school! I love the smell of fresh pencils, the bright colors on the bulletin boards that have yet to be faded, and the eager faces of the students scanning the shelves of their new classroom library looking for their first read of the year. Preparing to launch reading workshop is by far, my favorite part of those first few days and weeks of school. I love reading aloud to my students, teaching reading strategies, talking about books, and of course helping them understand how to grow as readers during our workshop time.

If you are getting ready to launch your first reading workshop, or if you are looking for more ideas to enhance your already crafted workshop launching lessons and reading conferences, these tried and true tips and strategies will make your planning and running your reading workshop time stress free!

readers workshop kick off upper elementaryDon’t let the planning portion of running reading workshop stress you out! Since the workshop model follows a consistent routine, once you get the hang of the system, it is easy to duplicate, day after day. Click HERE to read how I plan for the 3 important parts of each reading workshop lesson and grab FREE workshop planning templates, too!

readers workshop kick off upper elementary
Reading workshop is highly effective for growing readers! The most important part of launching the reading workshop model is the mini-lesson. But sticking to an only ten minute mini lesson can be a challenge!  Click HERE to read my best 6 tips for keeping those all important mini lessons mini and scoop up some FREE reading workshop goodies, too!

reading workshop kick off upper elementary
One important focus of reading workshop is to build student stamina. One way to increase students’ stamina is to use the mid-workshop break. This strategy needs to be taught to your students, but once they understand how to use their break time, it will truly help them grow as readers! Click HERE to read my 3 favorite ways to effectively use the mid workshop break to engage readers of all levels and grab a FREE partnership discussion guide to keep students engaged in meaningful discourse!

reading workshop model in upper elementary classroomReading conferences are the highlight of my reading workshop block! I love to get right next to students in their working area, discuss the book that they are reading, and offer them their own personalized mini-lesson to help them grow as readers! Click HERE to find out my 3 best and easy to implement tips for reading conference success. You won’t want to miss these ideas to keep your conferences on track to help your students succeed as readers! Scoop up some reading workshop freebies, too! 

When it comes to holding effective reading conferences with your students during
reading conference toolbox
reading workshop time, organization is key! During reading conferences, I love to carry around my reading conference toolkit filled with everything that I need to confer with my readers. Using a conference toolkit allows me to maximize the little time that I have with each student since everything is right at my fingertips! Click HERE to find out what is in my reading conference toolbox, grab ideas, and a FREE printable to help you make your own toolbox, too!

Kick off the year celebrating reading with these ideas and free activities that will have you and your new bunch of students building a community of readers one day at a time! 

I truly believe in the workshop model to help students not only grow as readers but to love reading, too. By using this model, you not only grow students as individual readers, but you create a classroom culture and climate that truly loves reading and all things books! 

Pin now to save these ideas for your reference later!



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