Mountain Classroom Theme Decor Ideas for Back to School

Mountain Classroom Theme Decor Ideas for Back to School

When it comes to transforming your classroom into an adventure, mountain-filled learning zone, I love to go all out! One reason is that having a mountain-themed classroom brings a sense of calm and serenity to your room. We can all use more of that in our classrooms!

Using a mountain classroom theme can really elevate your classroom atmosphere, promoting the idea that this school year, your students can overcome any obstacle or mountain they face! Including the whole class in this adventurous theme strengthens your classroom community right from the start of the school year!

Even our "big kids" in upper elementary love the thrill of an engaging, dynamic classroom mountain-themed environment. A mountain theme creates an exciting backdrop and promotes hard work and focus. Just like real mountaineers, students will learn to tackle obstacles, persevere through tough tasks, and celebrate their achievements at the summit. 

Get ready for the back-to-school season with these easy-to-implement ideas focused on mountain-themed classroom decor that will make your classroom feel like a mountaintop adventure. Try all these or any combination to make your classroom an exciting place where students are eager to climb to new heights of learning and overcome any challenge that comes their way!

1. Start with an Introduction

mountain theme meet the teacher letter

Tell your students that YOU will help them take learning to new heights this year with a simple yet meaningful teacher note that reflects your classroom theme and motto and introduces you to your new students!

Keep the theme going through the year by using a ! I love using a newsletter to let parents know what learning has taken place this week, let them know about important upcoming dates, and other important classroom information! Using a simple newsletter allows parents to feel that they are connected to you, their child, and the classroom.

Keep the communication with families and caregivers and the mountain theme going all year long with a weekly class newsletter! They are easy to use and help to keep your communication and relationships with parents and families strong!

Mountain Classroom Theme Decor Ideas for Back to School

2. Coordinate Your Room

mountain theme classroom rules posters

When it comes to coordination, I focus on a few key elements of the room. I try not to overdo it, but I do want key parts of our room to reflect our mountain and perseverance theme! 

Here are a few key places that I make sure to include mountains...
🌄name tags 

mountain theme slideshow open house google slides

I love tying in my classroom theme to our open house night. For Meet the Teacher night, I use a mountain theme slideshow. The parents love the theme and always give compliments about how well everything ties together.  When the lights are low and the mountains are on the screen, it is a nice way to bring together your Meet the Teacher letter, bulletin board displays, name tags, and banners.

💡Teacher tip: You can use the slideshow template that you create for the open house for your classroom procedure slides, too! Just make two different copies so that you can customize each slide for the different audiences. 

4. Inspire with Motivational Bulletin Boards

mountain theme bulletin boards

Over the last few years, I have found that incorporating positive and motivational quotes into our morning meeting time and classroom has a positive outcome for the kids. They love to read and learn new quotes related to different themes. Oftentimes, they repeat the quotes at appropriate times, which is awesome to see!

I use different themes and leave them up for a month or so. We do spend time discussing them a bit during morning meetings. Sometimes, the kids illustrate the quotes or write a reflection about them, but I have found the biggest impact is made just through discussing them and seeing them displayed each day!

I rotate through these six themes, which last us through the year!

🌄 Growth Mindset
🌄 Class Community
🌄 Reading 
🌄 Kindness
🌄 Empathy
🌄 Mindfulness

5. Send Your Students Positivity Notes

mountain classroom theme

This is fun and simple to do! 

I print the positive quote posters four to a page to create instant notecards! These are very motivational for the kids, especially on days when we have tests or a crazy schedule. All you have to do is print four to a page, cut them, and write a quick message on the back. The kids love to see these on their desks and save them, too.

As the year progresses, I also print out cards for the kids to write positive messages to each other. I either assign who they write to or have them exchange with a partner to ensure that each student gets a note. This is especially fun to do during testing season!

6. Mountain Theme Accent Ideas

mountain theme classroom

Bring your classroom to life with small mountain theme touches like bulletin board paper, bulletin board borders, accent pillows for your classroom library, and matching bins! 

👉Take a look at my favorite accent pieces: Mountain Accent Pieces

mountain read alouds

Be sure to tie the idea of perseverance and a growth mindset to your mountain decor theme by reading some of my favorite mountain-themed books aloud! You do not have to read these all at once or all at the beginning of the year. Instead, weave throughout your year to keep the theme going!

📖Take a look at all the books here: Mountain Book List

By incorporating a mountain theme of hard work and perseverance, you will be creating an experience your students will always remember. Remember, it's not just about the decorations—it's about fostering a spirit of determination and excitement in your students. Try out these ideas or mix and match to create a space where your students are eager to climb to new heights of learning and overcome any challenge that comes their way. 

Happy teaching, and here's to a fantastic school year filled with growth and adventure!

Looking for mountain classroom decor to inspire your students this year? Head HERE.

mountain theme calendar for classroom

               LOVE these ideas? Pin to save!

mountain theme with free mountain student name tags

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